Lads to Leaders and Leaderetts 2025
Owens Cross Roads has been involved with Lads to Leaders since Spring of 2006. The Elders saw the youth needed more structure to teach our guys and girls on leadership for the future of the church. After trying several different ways, we landed on this known successful tool. Lads to Leaders (https://www.lads2leaders.com/) has been teaching young boys and girls since 1968 with Jack Zorn. Visit their site for more information and ways for your youth to get involved at Owens Cross Roads Church of Christ. For more information at OCR, contact Kevin Bridges @ bridgesk95@gmail.com.
Handbook link:
Registration links:
Youth - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7KTZBXL
Adults - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HBB935B
Convention - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HBN9ZY5
Kevin Bridges | 256-658-3908 | bridgesk95@gmail.com
Andrea Bridges | 256-658-3908
Matt Powel | 720-315-4825
Noah Vann | 615-906-4603